Documentary Newborn Photo Session | Phoenix Newborn Photographer

Can we all agree 2020 has been the WORST YEAR EVER? I don’t know about you, but my family spends most days on the struggle bus. We’ve been doing quarantine pretty hard core, and spending all day, every day at home with your two kiddos when it’s 115 degrees, and you can’t go outside is HARD.

There have been tears, most of them mine. I would like to say I can see a light at the end of this crazy awful tunnel, but I’m not sure I can. My first grader is doing school online, and the benchmarks for them to go back are not really close to happening yet. My husband, who has been working from home since March, will not be going back until after the new year, at the EARLIEST.

It’s all SO HARD.

Want to hear some good news? People are still living life. Really! Things are still happening. My sister is getting married at the end of the month, and I’m SO EXCITED. And people are having BABIES! Which means I finally got to get back doing the work I love: photographing families in their homes, helping them document their most precious memories.

This beautiful family welcomed their third child into the world during this crazy time. We took all necessary precautions to make sure our in-home newborn documentary portrait session was safe for everyone, and I felt 100% comfortable with the whole process. It was such a joy to watch the magic of their everyday life. They had the whole newborn thing down, and I loved seeing big brother and sister love on baby brother.

They booked a Half Day Documentary session, which was perfect for documenting all the sweet moments. I hope you love all the images as much as I do!!

And if you’re ready to document your family’s life, let’s chat! I really feel that all this time at home, while hard, is really worth having concrete documentation of, something you can hold in your hands and look through as a family when this whole mess is finally over.

Jill McNamara