Holiday Traditions Photography | Phoenix Family Photographer

I LOVE holiday traditions. I’m currently barely holding back on pulling out all of the holiday decorations, because my husband is a firm believer in no Christmas decorations before Thanksgiving. Thankfully, Thanksgiving is early this year, so I’ll get to decorate soon! Do you love to decorate for the holidays? What are some of your favorite traditions? Last year, we started the tradition of cutting down our own Christmas tree. It was so fun! Even when the kiddos were over it, I knew they were making core memories.

If you have special traditions with your family, I would LOVE to document them with you! This family had me over while they decorated their tree and some cookies. Maybe you have a bunch of grandma’s Christmas cookie recipes, or you’d like to have a night of lighting the Menorah documented. I’m here for all of it!

Jill McNamara